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Saturday 24 September 2011

24th September Cruise day 22

Weight loss: 0.6 kg
Total weight loss: 6.10 kg

Hmmmm. Didn't eat enough yesterday, so even though I'm happy to have a weight loss, I need to remember that it may come back!

Today is a PV day, looking forward to eating something yummy today. Quite hungry.

Okay. I did say yesterday that I would do this, so I can't chicken out now. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable as I've never much liked seeing pictures of myself, but for the sake of motivation, I'm posting pictures here. This is nearly one month in, a stone down. In what is possibly the MOST unflattering top that there is - and yes I can hear my mother chastising me about bad bras right now, but - did I mention that I hadn't been feeling well? Give me a break!!!!!! Both items were there and I put them on with little thought. It would be no good posting pics of me in PJs.

So what do I think? Well, I still have a mummy tummy. I had a tummy before, but it's a completely different shape now. I've no idea if that will disappear or not, we shall see! My arms seem massive - do they take up half the body width of skinny people too? No? More swimming needed, I feel. Oh that and lose the remaining 5 stone.

What I am quite please about, is when I hold these up against the photos of me from the wedding, in August, I can see that I've lost weight, especially around my face. My legs are thinner too but overall I've the same shape that I was before. DH put it in a lovely way. He said "don't take this the wrong way, but it's because you are short, you don't notice the weight loss so much." Bless him. I told him that he was very sweet, but it was more likely to be to do with the fact that I have so much left to lose!

I went for a gentle yoga option on the Wiifit this morning. Just for 15 minutes. As my first foray into exercise since I've not been well, I didn't want to push myself. I found it hard enough. The Wiifit told me that I'd lost 1 and 1/2 stone since I'd last been on it, in August. That was a little boost, I have to say.

Once upon a time I went to the gym four or five times a week, now look at me!! Ah well, we all have to start somewhere and my gym kit is in my drawer, patiently waiting for those glory days to return. I may persuade DH to come with me.

Oh well, at least I've got that over with. I plan to next take pics another 10lb down. Phew.

Brunch today, not breakfast: dry fried onions, mushrooms, egg

Dinner: Low carb pizza with cauliflower pizza base.

Have also made cauliflower garlic 'breadsticks' and fizzy jelly for tomorrow's pudding at the folks.

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