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Wednesday 18 April 2012

18/4/12 Still easy - but no oat bran!

Daily loss: 0.6kg
Total loss: 2.7kg

Well, you'll be glad to hear that I DIDN'T have a boiled egg for lunch again. I know, my lack of lunch variety was worrying you all, wasn't it?
I had grand plans this morning of getting up and making some kind of pancake for breakfast.and also of cooking a fake loaf last night, but I'll just admit now, that it just didn't happen. Even The Hubster asked what happened to the loaf I was planning to bake last night. Tomorrow. Honest.

Hmmm, that gets me thinking. Perhaps that mean old oatbran might be more palatable as a lemon drizzle cake?

Anyway, boiled egg for breakfast. Not bad. Could be more fun. Dammit. Now I wish I'd made that bread so that I could have soldiers to dip in my egg tomorrow.

(Blog paused while I put the fake bread in the oven. Thoughts of dippy eggs and buttered soldiers were too much to resist.)

Lunch was salmon with lemon and dill dressing with salad, from last night.
I wasn't feeling snacky when I came home tonight. Which is good as the baby was eyeing up my pork scratchings last night. (She seems to eat ANYthing, which is good for someone with only six teeth!)

This evening's meal was spaghetti bolognese. I would normally eat it without any pasta at all but I saw an advert this week and had a genius idea. The advert was for Cheese strings spaghetti. I thought bolognese and spaghetti= good; bolognese and cheese=good; so what could possibly be wrong with spaghetti that was MADE from cheese? Do you know what? It was pretty good. Where the cheese wasn't melted, it looked like spaghetti, had the same texture and not really cheesy enough to make a huge difference. The only change I would make is to make a 'nest' of it and put the sauce in the middle, rather than on top, so as to avoid the melty cheesey mess which happened under there.
It wouldn't be right if I didn't mention the cost - it was high enough not to want to have it too often, but low enough be able to have spaghetti every now and then.

Three more days left on Attack. After that I can be a bit more adventurous. Dreaming of lemon cakes and low carb pizza bases.

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